Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

The Final Week Predictions

This week should mark the final week of the 185th Grand Jury.

If I recall correctly, their original order of extension put them through February 1st.  Since they are meeting only on Tuesdays and Thursday, that would have made today (January 31st) the last day they met.  However, some time last week, I heard that they had been authorized to meet through the end of this week, and have the option of meeting on Thursday, February 2nd if need be.

At this point, anyone who is saying they know what the Grand Jury is going to do is just speculating. The common consensus around the CJC seems to be that they don't believe anyone from Pat Lykos' Administration is going to be indicted.  I'm inclined to agree that it is doubtful that there will be any indictments, and if any indictments are, in fact, returned, I doubt that they will reach the upper echelons of the Office.  According to the comments section a while back, Rachel Palmer and Jim Leitner were already planning to appear on Gary Polland and David Jones' "Red, White and Blue" TV show as soon as the investigation officially ceased.  That would certainly seem to indicate that perhaps they have some sort of inside knowledge of what the results will be.

The biggest question in my mind, however, is "what has the 185th been doing the past two weeks?"  Pat Lykos testified on January 17th, but I haven't heard of them calling any other additional witnesses since then.  Obviously any one who serves on a Grand Jury is very civically-minded, but I doubt that they would be coming in for the past two weeks just to hang out.

Someone in the comments section of one of my earlier posts mentioned that the Grand Jury has the authority to issue a report on their findings.  This is complete speculation, but perhaps the past several meetings have been drafting such a statement.  Who knows?

Whatever the 185th Grand Jury ultimately does, the Lykos Administration will spin, of course.

If indictments come down, they will blast the 185th Grand Jury for being politically motivated.  If there are no indictments, Lykos will claim that her Office cooperated completely with the investigation, thank the 185th for their hard work, and then commend them for seeing the "truth" about how the allegations were "politically motivated."

Whatever the 185th Grand Jury decides to do, I'm glad for the fact that they have at least looked into what the Pat Lykos Administration is all about.

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