Senin, 28 November 2011

LBB forum on TX juvie corrections populations

Regrettably I missed the last LBB presentation on their uniform cost report, but there's another one this week related to juvenile justice, which may interest those of you here in the capital who're able to attend. The notice reads:
Juvenile Correctional Population Projections
December 2, 2011 (1:30pm – 3:00pm)
Presenter: Jamie Gardner

To determine appropriate funding levels and appropriate policies regarding correctional populations, accurate population projections are vital. Correctional population projections also provide a road map of indicators that influence population growth or reduction. This forum will explore the methodology, techniques, and software used to develop projections for various juvenile justice correctional populations.
See the related LBB document projecting adult and juvenile corrections populations here (pdf).

LBB believes the precipitous drop in youth prison populations has bottomed out and will remain at current, historic low levels for the foreseeable future. Juvenile arrests continue to drop, but LBB does not expect juvenile probation populations to drop much further.

The event is at the Robert E. Johnson Conference Center in Austin. "Capitol visitor parking is available on the corner of 12th Street and San Jacinto Street. ... For questions you may contact us at or call Michele Connolly or Ed Sinclair at 512-463-1200. Copies of the reports we will be presenting from can be found on our website here."

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