Several folks have written in asking if I knew of any reason why the comments section of the blog is no longer accessible within the CJC at Harris County computers. I've heard varying accounts from people not being able to post comments to people not being able to read them. Some asked me if I had done anything to the comments by changing something on my blog settings, but I had not.
Most surmised that Lykos and the Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight had something to do with it.
Well, surprise surprise, if you guessed Lykos and Crew as the culprit, you solved the mystery before I did.
Apparently Lykos ordered her tech guys to have ITC disable the comments section on all county computers. I presume that applies to everyone in the courthouse, since I don't see if they could do it only for the District Attorney's Office computers.
I wonder whether or not Lykos ran that by Alex Bunin at the P.D.'s Office or any of the 37 judges who might actually enjoy reading how things are going at the D.A.'s Office.
Somehow, I doubt it.
Well, I have to admit that I'm flattered to be joining the ranks of the banned, along with Mark Twain, J.D. Salinger, William Faulkner, Joseph Heller and Luther Campbell.
Just kidding. I have nowhere near the writing talents of Luther Campbell.
Actually, I'm more bemused than anything at Lykos' absolutely idiotic plot to keep people within her office from knowing what is going on there. I've never accused Lykos or her group of being particularly bright, so let me spell out a couple of things for her:
1. They have these thingies called "Smart Phones" now. Whether it be a Blackberry or an iPhone or a Droid, they can ALL browse the Internet. All of them.
2. While browsing the Internet, they can also leave comments about how their technologically-stunted boss is a terrible District Attorney who is now being investigated by a Grand Jury.
3. Every last one of your employees knows that you are a paranoid megalomaniac and none of them are stupid enough to type something bad about you from an Office computer. They will wait until they get home before they do that on their home computers. You can't track them and monitor their thoughts there.
4. Most of the comments are coming from your own people anyway. You shouldn't be worried about what they are reading. You should be worried about what they are thinking and writing.
5. It isn't the folks inside your office that you need to worry about finding out what a group of morons you and Leitner and crew are. Trust me, they've known that for years. I'm willing to bet that if the 2012 election was held just by your own employees, you'd lose in a landslide. It is the folks on the outside of the Office that you should be afraid of learning about your antics. They, for some reason, seem to embrace your dishonesty and bullying.
Sadly, once again, the depths of Lykos' stupidity never cease to amaze me.
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